Kate Cowsill

Fitness Instructor

Bachelor of Science University of Oregon, certified Kundalini yoga instructor, yoga teacher training with Rodney Yee, Stott Pilates certified, Hydro-fit certified. Extensive study in strength training with experts Jimmy and Janice Radcliff and Mark Davis.

Classes taught at UO:
I teach women's weight training, Pilates mat work, yoga, aqua aerobics.

Teaching Passion:
My passion for teaching is wrapped in a long rewarding teaching career- building up the lives of students.

If I am able to help students connect the dots that their physically active life is allied with their emotional, mental and psychological well being- then I have contributed to that student's sense of whole self. Having a more solid sense of whole self, guides one to define a passion for an individuated life path, and this is empowering.

In my free time:
In my free time, beyond measure I love being the mother of my two sons. We bike, camp, travel and cook together and this rocks my world!